Wednesday, July 26, 2017

After work I made plans to go to Doheny Room for my friend Taylor Chung's, who goes by the name Wenzday, birthday. My plan was to go by myself and stay for a drink of club soda and then to go home but these plans got scrapped when C and his friend T called and said they wanted to go. Just before we left my place, my ex girlfriend Tonia called out of the blue, and asked what was going on because her and her friend Amy were looking to ditch some guy, so I told them to join us, so I ended up going with a little entourage and stay for a few drinks of club soda. Earlier that week I made a conscious decision not to drink alcohol when I am out because I wanted to be productive the next day. My crew didn't make the same conscious decision and after a while everyone got very nutty. When the club shut down at 2 I asked to be dropped off, but I heard the next day that after I got dropped off things got even nuttier at Amy's apartment. I never liked being around Tonia when she got drinking nutty so I was just happy to go to sleep.

Wenzday Ty Joseph      Ty Joseph