Went with K to the Street Art event at Jeff Hamilton's studio in the fashion district downtown, where I am showing some of my paintings. As we got there around 7pm we realized we wanted to go get food and then come back. It was also because barely anyone was there. We drove to the arts district and ended up at Hauser & Wirth. They had a really nice opening event for Mark Bradford. The place looked wonderful and the courtyard was flanked with food and drink stations that offered the finest of everything! And the had servers walking around with au d'oeuvres too! So when K and I filled up our plates, (hers with vegetables and salad, mine with meats) and sat down to eat, food was still being constantly offered to us. I was accepting everything, until I could no longer breath. After we finished eating we walked around, and I figured I didn't know a single person there. When K went to the bathroom, I noticed Adrien Brody chit chatting with Mark. When K came out of the bathroom, we went inside the gallery to see the art - only a handful of people were there, and Mark standing in the middle by himself. I started by saying "great to see you!" and Mark reacted as if he already knew me, since I was so convincing in my delivery. But there's really nothing worse, than having to pretend like this - me and my awful memory, unfortunately practice this quite often. But we very quickly moved on to taking pictures and that was just something because Mark is so tall. He laid his chin on my head and I really didn't know what to do, so I laughed - maybe also because K, who was taking the picture, laughed too. K and I had to hurry back to Jeff Hamilton's, because Charan Andreas and Levi Stoke were on their way to meet me there. And then also Jamieson Hill showed up. I got really tired, probably because of all the food and drinks I had, so we left a little after 11 and went home.
Thursday, February 15, 2018