Went with Julia to Melody Schuster's birthday party at her house in Silver Lake Heights. In the invitation it said "Casamigos themed party" and I didn't really know what to think of it - other than the probability that there would be plenty of tequila there. So I figured I'd bring a bottle of whisky with me, so there would be at least one bottle of whisky there. Dogs where also invited, so I brought Sunset with me. I didn't know dogs can ride in Ubers, but Julia said that they have to accept dogs, so this was Sunset's first Uber ride. We brought a towel for her to sit on, but she insisted to sit anywhere else, but on the towel. Once we arrived at the house, there was a life-size George Clooney Cardboard perched by the entrance and a couple of smaller versions in the living room / kitchen area. So then I figured out what the Casamigos theme was all about - the one-billion dollar sale of the tequila company, owned by George Clooney. It was just a better name choice than 'George Clooney themed party', but that's really what it was. Sunset was the only big dog among a bunch of suspicious little ones but she just did her own thing as usual - and in a rare moment she just next to me. After an hour or so we went to a party at a house in Los Feliz, for a birthday of a friend of Julia's. They had a big pool area with a big wooden Hollywood sign leaning against the fence. They heated up the large pool to a hot-tub temperature and everyone got in, including myself.